7 research outputs found

    Retention and integration of gene duplicates in eukaryotes

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    The evolution of gene duplicates in angiosperms and the impact of protein-protein interactions and the mechanism of duplication

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    Gene duplicates, generated through either whole genome duplication (WGD) or small-scale duplication (SSD), are prominent in angiosperms and are believed to play an important role in adaptation and in generating evolutionary novelty. Previous studies reported contrasting evolutionary and functional dynamics of duplicate genes depending on the mechanism of origin, a behavior that is hypothesized to stem from constraints to maintain the relative dosage balance between the genes concerned and their interaction context. However, the mechanism ultimately influencing loss and retention of gene duplicates over evolutionary time are not yet fully elucidated. Here, by using a robust classification of gene duplicates in Arabidopsis thaliana, Solanumlycopersicum, and Zea mays, large RNAseq expression compendia and an extensive protein-protein interaction (PPI) network from Arabidopsis, we investigated the impact of PPIs on the differential evolutionary and functional fate ofWGD and SSD duplicates. In all three species, retained WGD duplicates show stronger constraints to diverge at the sequence and expression level than SSD ones, a pattern that is also observed for shared PPI partners between Arabidopsis duplicates. PPIs are preferentially distributed among WGD duplicates and specific functional categories. Furthermore, duplicates with PPIs tend to be under stronger constraints to evolve than their counterparts without PPIs regardless of their mechanism of origin. Our results support dosage balance constraint as a specific property of genes involved in biological interactions, including physical PPIs, and suggest that additional factors may be differently influencing the evolution of genes following duplication, depending on the species, time, and mechanism of origin

    Function, dynamics and evolution of network motif modules in integrated gene regulatory networks of worm and plant

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    Gene regulatory networks (GRNs) consist of different molecular interactions that closely work together to establish proper gene expression in time and space. Especially in higher eukaryotes, many questions remain on how these interactions collectively coordinate gene regulation. We study high quality GRNs consisting of undirected protein-protein, genetic and homologous interactions, and directed protein-DNA, regulatory and miRNA-mRNA interactions in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans and the plant Ara-bidopsis thaliana. Our data-integration framework integrates interactions in composite network motifs, clusters these in biologically relevant, higher-order topological network motif modules, overlays these with gene expression profiles and discovers novel connections between modules and regulators. Similar modules exist in the integrated GRNs of worm and plant. We show how experimental or computational methodologies underlying a certain data type impact network topology. Through phylogenetic decomposition, we found that proteins of worm and plant tend to functionally interact with proteins of a similar age, while at the regulatory level TFs favor same age, but also older target genes. Despite some influence of the duplication mode difference, we also observe at the motif and module level for both species a preference for age homogeneity for undirected and age heterogeneity for directed interactions. This leads to a model where novel genes are added together to the GRNs in a specific biological functional context, regulated by one or more TFs that also target older genes in the GRNs. Overall, we detected topological, functional and evolutionary properties of GRNs that are potentially universal in all species

    Gene duplicability of core genes is highly consistent across all angiosperms

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    Gene duplication is an important mechanism for adding to genomic novelty. Hence, which genes undergo duplication and are preserved following duplication is an important question. It has been observed that gene duplicability, or the ability of genes to be retained following duplication, is a nonrandom process, with certain genes being more amenable to survive duplication events than others. Primarily, gene essentiality and the type of duplication (small-scale versus large-scale) have been shown in different species to influence the (long-term) survival of novel genes. However, an overarching view of "gene duplicability" is lacking, mainly due to the fact that previous studies usually focused on individual species and did not account for the influence of genomic context and the time of duplication. Here, we present a large-scale study in which we investigated duplicate retention for 9178 gene families shared between 37 flowering plant species, referred to as angiosperm core gene families. For most gene families, we observe a strikingly consistent pattern of gene duplicability across species, with gene families being either primarily single-copy or multicopy in all species. An intermediate class contains gene families that are often retained in duplicate for periods extending to tens of millions of years after whole-genome duplication, but ultimately appear to be largely restored to singleton status, suggesting that these genes may be dosage balance sensitive. The distinction between single-copy and multicopy gene families is reflected in their functional annotation, with single-copy genes being mainly involved in the maintenance of genome stability and organelle function and multicopy genes in signaling, transport, and metabolism. The intermediate class was overrepresented in regulatory genes, further suggesting that these represent putative dosage-balance-sensitive genes

    Stoma-free Survival After Rectal Cancer Resection With Anastomotic Leakage: Development and Validation of a Prediction Model in a Large International Cohort.

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